
Working on the New Campaign

These are the werk – and the final photos of the Disorder autumn/Christmas campaign. It was fun to work in a breathtakingly beauiful place like this! I hope you will enjoy the pics as much as I loved to create them!

Disorder – OUT NOW!

Did you know that Mess Monsters are responsible for disorder – even in your room? Who on earth would drop things in random places? You certainly wouldn’t! If you want to know how it feels to be a Mess Monster, even just for a short time, you can take part in their race to show off your talent. Our colourful and fun game, ‘ Disorder ’ is available from now!

Dreams and Night Creatures – OUT NOW!

Have you ever wondered where those beautiful dreams come from? And why they are so rare? Every night, they embark on an adventurous journey on the backs of the Night Creatures. They cross the Moon Meadow and the River of Stars, but in the end, Sir Sleepless is waiting to steal the dreams away. Will you help the Night Creatures protect the dreams and safely deliver them to the children? – Dreams and Night Creatures – The new cooperative Marbushka game is OUT NOW!!! (Age: 4+, Number of players: 1-5, Duration: 15min)

Dreams and Night Creatures – The Creative Process

The new game is about to be launched. To be more specific: it will be available during the next week, so it’s time to look back on the journey. I have never had a more exciting and empowering design session like this. As lots of you know our daughter was the reason for founding and starting Marbushka. She inspired me with her fantasy from the earliest stages and I thought nothing could surpass this feeling – until now. She joined the family business this year and by recording the creative process she held me a mirror and showed me how enormous, still uplifting the work I do day by day. I seem to be blind to the magic through the years. She opened my eyes and made me realise how grateful I have to be for fate giving me the chance to lead a life like this. I am so happy to see myself from her perspective. Due to the technical limits of this blog, I can not share her movies but you can find them on our social media sites. And here it is, the first – black and white – phase of the Dreams a

Banner design for Nidogeek

Looks like a movie poster, right? :-))) The Forgotten Kingdom

The Forgotten Kingdom – free printable reminder sheet

The Forgotten Kingdom needed this reminder sheet the most. The early spring weather is still matching this game in the Netherlands, so before we started to play I realized how much support we needed to recall the rules. I designed this small leaflet (matching into the box), hoping that you will find it useful too. (Click on the ‘MULTI-LANGUAGE GAME RULES IN PDF’ button on our website /Kingdom/ and the golden star on the left corner will lead you to the destination. Wow, it sounds magical :-D Good luck!) Direct link

Ed and Wolf – free printable reminder sheet

Hello everybody, welcome back! I hope you had a nice, relaxing holiday! I would like to start the new year with a practical gift for you: a free, printable Ed&Wolf reminder. It was the most played game in our family during the holiday, still, it was like playing it for the first time. I have to confess, I was totally confused about the function of the objects. After a few minutes of guessing, I gave up and designed a reminder sheet, which, can be useful for you too. (It fits perfectly into the box!) We uploaded the pdf file to our website, attached to the rules. I hope you will enjoy the game more from now!