Yesterday was our 8th birthday! We've almost crossed over to it. I don’t know how could it happen, because 8 seems to be a magical number. When you look at its shape you will find ups and downs and also the infinity ... We have another reason to find it strange: we have just made the 86th barcode yesterday, which means that we had a total of 86 games, dolls, mugs, activity books, etc. in eight years. All of them were made by us. Two persons could create all the things that you see. We deserve a birthday cake! :-D

Tegnap volt a 8.születésnapunk! Majdnem átsiklottunk felette, pedig a nyolcas mágikus szám, ha jobban megnézed. Benne van a “fel” és “le” meg a végtelen is… Van még egy különleges vonatkozása is: most készítettük el a 86. vonalkódot, ami azt jelenti, hogy mi KETTEN nyolc év alatt összesen 86 játékot, babát, bögrét, szinezőt stb. alkottunk meg a férjemmel. Megérdemeljük a tortát! :-D