
Showing posts from September, 2018

The Mysterious Library - Out now! • A titokzatos könyvtár elkészült!

Emma and Janka's grandparents have disappeared. They left behind nothing but an old, windy library, dust and wallpaper scraps in the attic. They disappeared from the library, form the town,… even from the photos. Especially from the one that's hanging above the fireplace. The Mysterious Library stood in the middle of a busy, noisy town. For some time, though, it has seemed to be invisible. Noone had crossed its entrance door for years. The house and the books were slowly covered by oblivion and dust. The drawers filled with library cards show that there was once sparkling life here. And the newspaper clippings on the wall show that this was ended by an unsuspected and strange event. The Mysterious Library had a collection of special books. They provided REAL adventures for the readers who became a character of the story. They could train dragons, search for treasures, sail on the Nile, all this for a library fee of a few cents.  The secret society of the library ex...

Misha and the vintage typewriter • Misha és az öreg írógép

Misha bought a magic typewriter. At first glance, it didn’t seem magical at all, but the merchant said that it was a very unique and special machine, and since he was too old for such adventures, he had to sell it. Misha didn’t really understand what kind of adventures a typewriter could provide, but he didn’t ask, he was just excited to see how it works. At home, however, it turned out that the typewriter was not only not magical, but it didn’t even work properly: it didn’t print the letters that Misha typed in with one finger. Disappointed, he placed the last snow-white sheet into the machine and walked to the window. He turned back when the typewriter made a noise and started to work of its own accord. He was shocked to see a clearly legible, flawless sentence on the paper: Are you ready for a new adventure? Misha was always ready for all kinds of adventures, but he wasn’t prepared for witchcraft at all. Terrified, he ran out of the room, and only dared to return a coup...


Yesterday was our 8th birthday! We've almost crossed over to it. I don’t know how could it happen, because 8 seems to be a magical number. When you look at its shape you will find ups and downs and also the infinity ... We have another reason to find it strange: we have just made the 86th barcode yesterday, which means that we had a total of 86 games, dolls, mugs, activity books, etc. in eight years. All of them were made by us. Two persons could create all the things that you see. We deserve a birthday cake! :-D Tegnap volt a 8.születésnapunk! Majdnem átsiklottunk felette, pedig a nyolcas mágikus szám, ha jobban megnézed. Benne van a “fel” és “le” meg a végtelen is… Van még egy különleges vonatkozása is: most készítettük el a 86. vonalkódot, ami azt jelenti, hogy mi KETTEN nyolc év alatt összesen 86 játékot, babát, bögrét, szinezőt stb. alkottunk meg a férjemmel. Megérdemeljük a tortát! :-D

History of the Dolls • Baba történelem

Creating a doll is a very meditative process. Not only because the accurate way of painting faces develops my breathing technique (a sigh would lead to a rippled brush line), but it is also a great occasion to meditate. This time I was wondering how many heads I have painted already, how many heads and arms were sewn up by me, how many dolls were dressed up, packed carefully, and shipped to their new homes. Despite the big numbers, the latest dolls are treated the same way as the first ones. All above this, I'm telling stories for each one of them. I wanted to share these amusing stories with you, that’s why I have re-designed their box again. In the new releases, the tales can be placed on the box. Another story was created alongside the dolls’ adventures: the birth and the production of the Marbushka dolls. Of course, it was not a new idea because after a little research work it turned out that I’ve started Emma's story once, moreover I designed a little book ab...

A tökéletes helyszín • The perfect location

Megtaláltuk a legtökéletesebb helyszínt az új baba szettek fotózásához. A hétvége tehát babázással telt. A srácok nem mindig akartak pózolni, de azért a werkfotók alapján elég bizakodó vagyok a végeredményt illetően. :-) We found the perfect location for the dolls. During the weekend we have finished the photo series of them. They aren't professional models, so we had some difficulties but regarding the result, I'm more than satisfied. :-)