
Showing posts from July, 2019

Testing The River • Teszteljük a Folyót

The River has reached the final level of the design process. While we were testing the game, the Zen feeling disappeared from the rules thanks to Bojka, who joined me with a helping intention. The very balanced and consolidated story took a big turn and the rule filled up with a lot of unpredictable and funny elements. It is not surprising, the vacation feeling shines through on every detail of the game. We had a great time, though I don't understand who has made the decision that I always have to lose in the games I designed ?! A Folyó is elérkezett a tervezés végső stádiumához. A tesztjátékok alatt ő is tarolt, mivel a beharangozott Zen hangulat Bojkának köszönhetően lassan kikopott a szabályból. Az addig igen kiegyensúlyozott és konszolidált történet a feje tetejére állt és kerültek bele jócskán kiszámíthatatlan és szivatós elemek. A vakáció gondtalan és jótékony hatása a játékon is érződik. Fantasztikusan szórakoztunk, bár én nem értem, hogy hol van az ...

Characters for the River • Karakterek a Folyóhoz

So it is decided then: there will be charaters in the River game. - Akkor megállapíthajuk, hogy mégis lesznek karakterek a Folyó című játékunkhoz.

Adventures • Kalandok

I hope  Carta Magica does not freak you out! My family goes wild during the game. Yesterday we played with it and my husband was unable to repair his damaged ship for a long time due to his gold and repair card shortage. Being the inventor of the game, I was his first target: he started to complain against me. As we tried to deny his hysterical behaviour with my daughter, he offered both of his socks in exchange for the repairing. I didn't understand how could he figure out this silly idea, but I was impressed by his enthusiasm. Since the socks did not fit in the official exchange rate, we had to refuse his offer. He shouldn't have been so upset, I lost the game again - just as I used to... These pictures were taken earlier, yesterday I had no time to be creative. I had to fight for my life. :-D The lots of extremely good feedback from you proves that Carta Magica is not just our favourite game! Thank you! Remélem nálatok nem szabadít el olyan indulato...

Welcome to our garden! • Isten hozott a kertünkben!

With our newly released game, we invite you to our fairy-tale garden , where the seeds grow quickly into beautiful, tall trees if you take care of them. They need lots of sunshine and constant watering to be able to grow. Be careful to always have enough water and find a place for all your seeds, shrubs and trees in the garden before the dark clouds hide the sun away. Exciting tactical game for kids and adults with competitive and cooperative version. Legújabb játékunkkal egy mesebeli kertbe invitálunk, ahol magok csodálatos gyorsasággal növekednek fává ha szorgalmasan öntözöd őket. De figyelj a Napra, hogy hol jár az égen, mert ültetni nem mindig lehet! Még a tél beállta előtt minden növénynek helyet kell találnod a kertben. Izgalmas taktikai játék kicsiknek és játékos kedvű felnőtteknek versenyzős és kooperatív lehetőséggel.