
Showing posts from October, 2019

Kingdom - The Beginning • Királyság - a kezdet

The newly released Marbushka games had big success this year. In our family, no other games are chosen when we have time to play. Unfortunately, there are less Marbushka games than winter days, so Bojana begged for me to design a new one for Christmas. She longed for a mysterious, exciting game with long playing time (never-ending if possible). Although I still kept the atmosphere of River and Glasshouse in my mind, I started to work right away. The essence of the tale is ready by now, but the rules of the game will certainly change a couple of details. After a short hesitation on the stereotypes (dragon, knight, castle and so on) finally, I had a much more original idea. A tale of a perfect kingdom formed in my mind, where chaos and hate never existed, and the evil (whose character has not decided yet) could only get the kingdom by stealing people's memories and even the ruler will not remember who s/he really is. So the story is about this ruler and his/her loyal friends who...

Glasshouse Animation • Mozi az Üvegházhoz

Unfortunately, I still haven't found a good solution to make a “how to play” movie of the games in the quality I expect, so I continue my short animations that bring my favourite characters to life. I hope you will like this new one with Glasshouse . Arra sajnos még mindig nem találtam megoldást, hogy a játékszabályokat hogyan filmesíthetnénk meg azon a színvonalon, ahogyan szeretném, így maradok a kis játékaimnál, ezeknél a rövid hangulatoknál amik életre keltik a kedvenc szereplőimet. Remélem teteszeni fog az Üvegházhoz készített történet !

Better... • Jobb...

Better to play with the final produc t ! :-D / Jobb a kész játékkal játszani!