The Bookshop • A könyvesbolt
I've been looking for the right place to photograph the Mysterious Library for a long time. There are many amazing libraries in the world, but I could hardly find anywhere photographing would be allowed. Fortunately, the best solution was just around the corner. Every Saturday, going to the market I pass by an antique bookstore. Every time I stop to do some window shopping. I don’t know, how could I forget it? …but this memory seemed to be deleted from my mind and only the rainy, foggy weather could recall it yesterday. I decided to ask permission and I got it! A thousand thanks to Klikspaan for allowing me to make my crazy idea to come true! :-) Régóta keresem a megfelelő helyszínt a Mysterious Library lefotózásához. Sok elképesztően gyönyörű könyvtár van a világon, de ezek persze földi halandók számára nem hozzáférhetőek. A legjobb megoldást persze az ember akkor sem veszi észre ha átesik rajta. Minden szombaton piacra menet megbámultam a sarki antik könyvesbolt kiraka...