
Showing posts from November, 2019

The Bookshop • A könyvesbolt

I've been looking for the right place to photograph the Mysterious Library for a long time. There are many amazing libraries in the world, but I could hardly find anywhere photographing would be allowed. Fortunately, the best solution was just around the corner. Every Saturday, going to the market I pass by an antique bookstore. Every time I stop to do some window shopping. I don’t know, how could I forget it? …but this memory seemed to be deleted from my mind and only the rainy, foggy weather could recall it yesterday. I decided to ask permission and I got it! A thousand thanks to Klikspaan for allowing me to make my crazy idea to come true! :-) Régóta keresem a megfelelő helyszínt a Mysterious Library lefotózásához. Sok elképesztően gyönyörű könyvtár van a világon, de ezek persze földi halandók számára nem hozzáférhetőek. A legjobb megoldást persze az ember akkor sem veszi észre ha átesik rajta. Minden szombaton piacra menet megbámultam a sarki antik könyvesbolt kiraka...

freezing cold • fagy

It's freezing cold outside.... I thought it would be a heart-warming idea to share a couple of new pictures with you from the game I am working on. / Ha már ilyen hideg van, gondoltam megosztom veletek a készülő játékunk néhány részletét. :-)

Doggy weekend • Kutyás hétvége

Our last weekend was dedicated to our Dogs&Homes game. We had a fantastic time with it and with our two dogs (Dana and Janka) around. Janka is almost seventeen and she could not be photographed. Although she is almost blind and totally deaf, she knows exactly when I intend to shoot a picture. She blinks, yawns or shakes her head always in the worst moment. Fortunately, Dana is different. She is a real diva: she can pose anytime, anywhere, because she knows she is beautiful. What is an advantage in photography is not good for her training process. She is extremely intelligent and knows exactly what she can(not) afford to do in certain situations. Unfortunately, she loves to mix up these occasions. There are only a few things she is not allowed to do, but she always wants to be sure if these rules are still valid or not. She has her own opinion, she talks back and loves herself deeply. All these things make our life funny and adventurous with her. Although we enjoy ...