Finally, the time has come to get rid of a worn-out accessory from our living room: the model of the Kingdom. Along with the first spring sunshine, a creative spark came and made me able to finish the design process which took for more than five months. I shouldn't be surprised: All alone, I had to fulfil the impossible conditions that my daughter placed. The gameplay is not infinite of course, but it takes 90(!) minutes and all the 90 minutes are as exciting as she wished to be. The game requires a lot of strategic thinking, but it takes a long time to figure out which one is effective, as luck often changes the scene. Conclusion: it is not boring. Another requirement that I could succeed. Bojana was helpful (as usual) during the test plays and she faced me the fact that I count on lovely and polite players around the board, so she showed me how cruel a player could be…and with this gesture the weakest points of the game were revealed. Her strategy was soooo mean that I was fo...