
Showing posts from September, 2020

Under The Leaves

I probably have spent too much time walking in the forest with the dog because one day, I caught myself imagining fantasy creatures around me. I could clearly see them hiding under the arched roots and lying peacefully on the moss-covered islands in the lake. As I discovered more and more unique details in the forest, I sank deeper into a new world. ...and a new story has begun. My new game leads you to a small, adventurous world under the leaves. The main characters of the game are busy with building magical boats which float above the water. (This is the only way to cross the Untouchable Lake.) The autumn forest gave me rich inspiration to finalise all the characters and the story itself. I wanted to continue the gameplay of The Wonderful World of Güs , I even picked a few things out of it but as the game was developing, these elements disappeared and something new cropped up instead. The game rule worked perfectly for a couple of days, but as usual, everything collapsed in a moment....

Second Birthday • Második születésnap

Today is the second birthday of The Mysterious Library . It was released exactly on the same day in 2018. Since then, the story and the atmosphere of the game impress everybody from the age of 8 and up. We are proud to say that this is one of our most popular games! Thank you! :-) Ma van a Myterious Library második születésnapja. Pont ezen a napon jelentettük meg 2018-ban és azóta sokakat lenyűgözött már a történet és a játék hangulata. Büszkén mondhatjuk, hogy az egyik legnépszerűbb játékunk. Köszönjük nektek! :-)

Picture Book • Képeskönyv

I have just realised that we forgot to complete Janka’s picture book of her Unusual Vacation . Finally, it is uploaded to our website. If you are curious how the set was created or just simply want to get into a cosy, autumn mood, have a look at it! This colourful book contains everything from the first sketch I made. Enjoy! Most derült rá fény, hogy elfelejtettem befejezni a képeskönyvet Janka különös vakációjáról , de hamar pótoltam a hiányosságot és már fel is töltöttük a weboldalunkra. Ha kíváncsi vagy, hogy hogyan készült a szett vagy csak egyszerűen őszi hangulatba ringatnád magad, lapozd végig! Ebben a színes kis könyvben minden benne van az első vázlattól kezdve. Remélem tetszeni fog!


We are happy to announce the release of our new game: Piggily . Being guinea pig fans, we simply could not stop adding more and more twists and turns to the game, based on our own personal experiences. Most of our colleagues/helpers shared our enthusiasm and they also did their best to make it more detailed and authentic. Special thanks to Alex for his thoroughness and for the brilliant idea of turning the bowls upside down. We added THREE (mostly tactical) variations to the basic game rule, so it will be fun for everybody from the age of three and up.  Age: 3+, Number of players: 2-4, Game duration: about 10 minutes Örömmel mutatjuk be nektek az új játékunkat, a Piggily -t. Tengeri malac rajongókhoz híven nehezen engedtük el ezt a játékot, mindig újabb ötletekkel és fordulatokkal bővítettük a szabályt. A partnereink is osztoztak a lelkesedésünkben, így az ő javaslataik nyomán a játék még hitelesebb és részletesebb lett. Különösen Alex-nek tartozunk köszönettel az alaposságáért és ...

Playing • Játszunk

We played with the River last evening and I lost again. It is about the hundredth time I loose in a row. I think I should draw/create a “swap your articles” or “ok, this time you won” card for myself. Tegnap este kábé századszorra vesztettem a River -ben – zsinórban. Kénytelen leszek rajzolni magamnak egy “cseréljetek újságcikket” vagy “oké, most én nyertem” kártyát. :-D My final article  / az én végső újságcikkem... The best article / A legjobb újságcikk The winner has to pack! / A győztes pakol!