gyerekcuccok 4. / kid stuff 4.
Az utolsó ötleteim a gyerekszobához: Ez a két karácsonyi dekoráció Bojka szobáját díszítette. A keret igazából multifunkcionális: lehet évszakonként/ünnepenként cserélni benne a díszeket, de bábszínháznak is teljesen jó. A fa annyira Bojka szívéhez nőtt, hogy tovább maradt velünk, mint egy átlag karácsonyfa... konkrétan húsvétkor még bent volt a házban és fa tojásokkal díszítettük, de nyáron már állati poros volt, tehát mennie kellett. Igaz, az ebédlőasztalunk fölött még ott lóg az ikertestvére, de ez egy másik történet.
Voi-lá my last ideas in the kid’s room subject. These two Christmas decorations decorated Bojka’s room. The frame is actually multifunctional: the ornaments can be changed in it according to seasons/holidays, but it’s also perfectly good as a puppet theater. Bojka became so fond of the tree that it stayed with us longer than an average Christmas tree… to be precise, it was still in the house at Easter, and we decorated it with wooden eggs, but finally in the summer, it had to go. True, its twin is still hanging above our dining table, but that’s a different story.
Voi-lá my last ideas in the kid’s room subject. These two Christmas decorations decorated Bojka’s room. The frame is actually multifunctional: the ornaments can be changed in it according to seasons/holidays, but it’s also perfectly good as a puppet theater. Bojka became so fond of the tree that it stayed with us longer than an average Christmas tree… to be precise, it was still in the house at Easter, and we decorated it with wooden eggs, but finally in the summer, it had to go. True, its twin is still hanging above our dining table, but that’s a different story.