interjúk • interviews
Végigfutottam a blogot és mit mondjak, kiváló érzékkel válogatom össze a témaköröket.... a szörnyek után, mindegy. A csapongás oka, hogy beindult a karácsonyi szezon... a jelenlegi állapotokat csak egy életképpel tudom illusztrálni: a kutyák elkezdenek nyüszíteni, ha megszólal a telefon. Ez elég konkrét, nem? Itt eszembe jutott Szikszay Zsuzsi (Parentia) egyik kérdése, ami végül nem került be az interjúba. Arra volt kívácsi, hogy az idill ami körülöttünk van meddig tartható fent? Mert a feljődés törvényszerűen ellenünk dolgozik. Teljesen megütköztem a kérdésen, mert a "honnan jött a Marbushka elnevezés?" -re készültem. Hosszú, döbbent csönd után a válaszom nagyjából az volt, hogy egészen más úgy dolgozni, hogy, azt teszed amit szeretsz, ilyenkor a terhek is könnyebbnek tűnnek....és ebben az esetben az sem tragédia, ha a beszélgetéseink nap közben az: "...átküldted?, ...becsomagoltad?" téma köré csoportosulnak. Ez nem túl idilli, sem romantikus, de a munka része. Viszont kötelezően véget kell, hogy érjen délután fél 5kor. Telefon és a gépek kikapcsolva... Így túl lehet élni. A lényeg a súlypontozáson van. Amíg az értékek jó helyen vannak, addig nincs baj. Egy működő család is munka, nem pedig olyan ölbe hulló dolog - sok idő kell rá. Apropó, interjúk...nagyon sok volt/van mostanában. Sok érdekes emberrel találkozom és rengeteg érdekes kérdés hangzik el, de sajnos ezek ritkán kerülnek be a végső, publikált verzóba. Azt hiszem még csak a "bevezetőnél" tartunk. Tudjátok... "honnan jött a Marbushka elnevezés?" :-)))) Azért megtisztelő, hogy ennyien kíváncsiak ránk. A napokban a Boldogság magazinnak adtunk interjút, és a Kossuth rádióban is hallhattok majd szerdán az ötórás hírblokk után.
I skimmed over the blog and what can I say, I have a great flair for choosing subjects… monsters, then angels… oh, well. I hope you’ll forgive my discursiveness! The Christmas season has started and I can only illustrate the current state of things with a picture: the dogs start whining whenever the phone rings. Pretty concrete, right? This reminded me of one of Zsuzsi Szikszay’s (Parentia) questions, which wasn’t included in the interview. She was curious how long the idyll around us can be sustained? Because development is working against us. I was totally aghast at the question, because I was prepared for„where does the name Marbushka come from?”. After a long, stunned silence my answer was approximately that it’s totally different to work doing what you love, it even makes the burdens feel lighter, and in this case, even if our conversations during the day are grouped around the „…have you sent it?, …have you packed it?” subject, it’s not a tragedy. It really isn’t too ideal, nor romantic, but this is the work part. … which has to end at 4:30 in the afternoon. Phone off, see you in the morning!… It can be survived this way. What’s important is where the emphasis goes. As long as the values are in the right place, there’s no problem. A functioning family is work, too, and not something that happens overnight - it takes a lot of time.
Apropos, interviews… there were/are lots of them lately. I’m meeting a lot of interesting people, and a lot of interesting questions are asked, but sadly these rarely get into the final published version. I think we’re still at the „introduction”. You know… „where does the name Marbushka come from?” :-)) But it’s an honor that so many people are interested in us. We gave an interview to Boldogság magazine a few days ago, and you’ll have the opportunity to hear me on radio Kossuth, on wednesday at 17.00 after the news.
I skimmed over the blog and what can I say, I have a great flair for choosing subjects… monsters, then angels… oh, well. I hope you’ll forgive my discursiveness! The Christmas season has started and I can only illustrate the current state of things with a picture: the dogs start whining whenever the phone rings. Pretty concrete, right? This reminded me of one of Zsuzsi Szikszay’s (Parentia) questions, which wasn’t included in the interview. She was curious how long the idyll around us can be sustained? Because development is working against us. I was totally aghast at the question, because I was prepared for„where does the name Marbushka come from?”. After a long, stunned silence my answer was approximately that it’s totally different to work doing what you love, it even makes the burdens feel lighter, and in this case, even if our conversations during the day are grouped around the „…have you sent it?, …have you packed it?” subject, it’s not a tragedy. It really isn’t too ideal, nor romantic, but this is the work part. … which has to end at 4:30 in the afternoon. Phone off, see you in the morning!… It can be survived this way. What’s important is where the emphasis goes. As long as the values are in the right place, there’s no problem. A functioning family is work, too, and not something that happens overnight - it takes a lot of time.
Apropos, interviews… there were/are lots of them lately. I’m meeting a lot of interesting people, and a lot of interesting questions are asked, but sadly these rarely get into the final published version. I think we’re still at the „introduction”. You know… „where does the name Marbushka come from?” :-)) But it’s an honor that so many people are interested in us. We gave an interview to Boldogság magazine a few days ago, and you’ll have the opportunity to hear me on radio Kossuth, on wednesday at 17.00 after the news.