segítség • help
Ezt akár felkiáltójellel is írhattam volna! :-) Egy ideje nyilvánvaló, hogy a gyorsuló tempó és a játékok mennyisége miatt segítségre lesz szükségünk. A pillanat elérkezett. De azt nem gondoltam, hogy ilyen nehéz ez. Amikor a facebookon megosztottam a hirdetésünket döbbenten figyeltem a potyogó jelentkezéseket. Délután négyre teljesen kétségbeestem, mert addig 99 e-mail esett be. Le is szedtem a hirdetést azonnal, mivel ez már most feldolgozhatatlan mennyiségnek tűnt. További 72 e-mail érkezett éjszaka és reggel még 22. Mivel lelkiismeretesen állok a feladathoz úgy érzem sok kávé és átvirrasztott éjszaka vár rám. A tudat, hogy ennyien szeretnének csatlakozni hozzánk majd tartja bennem a lelket. :-) Nagyon köszönöm mindenkinek, aki megtisztelt minket a bizalmával!
I might as well have written that with an exclamation point! It's been obvious for a while now that due to the quickening pace and the quantity of the games, we're going to need help. The moment has come. But I wouldn't have thought that this is so hard. When I shared our job offer I watched stunned as the applications started coming in. By four in the afternoon I was in despair, because 99 e-mails arrived by then. I took the offer down immediately, since this already seemed to be an unprocessable amount. Another 72 e-mails arrived at night and 22 more in the morning. Since I take the task seriously, I think there is lots of coffee and many sleepless nights ahead of me. Knowing that so many people want to join us keeps my spirits up. :-) Thank you very much to everyone who honored us with their confidence!
I might as well have written that with an exclamation point! It's been obvious for a while now that due to the quickening pace and the quantity of the games, we're going to need help. The moment has come. But I wouldn't have thought that this is so hard. When I shared our job offer I watched stunned as the applications started coming in. By four in the afternoon I was in despair, because 99 e-mails arrived by then. I took the offer down immediately, since this already seemed to be an unprocessable amount. Another 72 e-mails arrived at night and 22 more in the morning. Since I take the task seriously, I think there is lots of coffee and many sleepless nights ahead of me. Knowing that so many people want to join us keeps my spirits up. :-) Thank you very much to everyone who honored us with their confidence!