Doll DIY • Baba DIY
The dolls have suffered from neglect over the last year, so I tried to recompense them now with these self-made tulle skirts. Dark, long winter mornings are ideal for DIY, but not good enough for photography. My step by step photos are therefore terrible, just like the tops on the dolls, so I won’t share them with you and not even a picture of their backside. To be honest: I had to use most of the tools from my office desk to fix them. :-D I can't sew ... but since I did not need to sew these skirts, both of them are perfect! I found the idea on a blog long-long time ago, at the end of that period, when Bojana wanted to be a princess. Sadly this info came late enough to save me from investing lots of money into perfect and fully decorated skirts made by professional seamstresses. But finally, I could use this smart trick in this project. Whether you are making this model for your little girl or your doll, I hope you will have fun! Good luck!
Technical details (doll size):
Cut the tulle into 27cm long and 3cm wide strips. About 40 strips needed for the skirt, depending on how stiff the fabric is. Took a 25 cm (1.5mm diameter) elastic bend and wrapped the tulle strips neatly on it one by one close to each other. It should be a 9cm long row. (I know, I left the elastic bend a little bit too long, but I wanted to be able to tie a knot properly at the end, without having trouble with short ends.) You will find the perfect and detailed description on "Living Well Spending Less" blog. Enjoy!
Technikai rész (baba méret):
A szoknyához feldaraboltam a tüllt 27cm hosszú és 3cm széles csíkokra. Nagyjából 40 csík kell, attól függően, hogy mennyire merev. Fogtam egy 25 cm-es (1.5mm átmérőjű) gumit és arra szépen ráhurkoltam a tüll csíkokat, közel egymáshoz amíg egy 9cm-es csíkba nem rendeződnek. (A gumit azért hagytam ilyen hosszúra, hogy meg tudjam kötni rendesen, ne kelljen a rövid végekkel bénázni.) Megtaláltam a bejegyzést a Living Well Spending Less blogon, sztem ez volt az…gondolom többet segít ha megmutatom, hogy hogyan készül mintha elmesélem. :-) Sok sikert!