
Showing posts from 2018

An Imaginary Christmas • Képzeletbeli karácsony

  Christmas lights seem to like blending with office lights. The morning, the afternoon and the evenings are melting away in this strange winter darkness. Time is liquid, everything is infinite. In the background, the voice of the arrival of e-mails is constant and monotonous like rain outside but is much cheerful. There is only a week left. Ljubljana, Prague, Madrid, Edinborough, Moscow, Paris ... words flash on the screen and it is difficult to realize how far the Marbushka games will travel. It's unbelievable that how many of you keep us in your minds and how many children and adults this year will find Marbushka game under the Christmas tree. Surely I’m much more excited than they are! The year is about to end, but it's hard to say good-bye. Somehow, this was how Cinderella felt when she had to leave the ball at midnight. We can not be around every Christmas tree to see the happy faces, but how good it would be! I imagined the scene, here you can see in my pi...

Janka's third edition • Janka harmadik kiadása

Janka dreamed of a special vacation. She browsed the advertisements: "Boring, boring, ...they're all boring!" she muttered. She searched for weeks until she found one that finally caught her interest. It read: "A trip to ancient Egypt? Or a vacation in the court of the Sun King? You can have both! Come to stay with us, we guarantee your comfort in any era!" Janka knew that this was the one! ...and she started packing right away. From the outside, the hotel seemed completely normal, and nothing extraordinary happened until they led her to her room. She found it a bit strange that they didn't ask her what kind of view, bed, bathroom, etc. she would like... but she thought she could say something later if she found she was displeased with the room. When the door to the room opened, she already knew there would be no problem. Each time the door opened, she found a different view. She was greeted by the most exquisite accessories and most comforta...

Autumn Baroque • Őszi barokk

Autumn coloured baroque board game. The Frog Prince :-) / Őszi színekben pompázó barokk társasjáték. A békaherceg . :-)

Emma's Camera • Emma fényképezőgépe

"Emma must have some kind of special camera!" they say. "Maybe it's the lens... or does she use some kind of filter?" they wonder. But there is one thing everyone agrees on: whatever she takes a picture of, it turns out very exciting and interesting on the photos. If anyone else were to look at a chair or a tree, they wouldn't see anything special about it. Emma just takes a snapshot – and the objects, people and places on the picture reveal their secrets. As if they knew that Emma will spot their most beautiful qualities: all living and inanimate things open up for her. And Emma is constantly taking photographs, every day, everywhere. She pins the pictures onto lampposts, places them in mailboxes, or sometimes she just leaves a few behind on the bus. ...and the people, when they find it, let out a great sigh: "How wonderful it must be for her! She has a fortunate life!" and they rush on with their busy lives. If they looked ...

One Day on the Planet of Summer • Egy nap a nyár bolygóján

No matter how long the summer was, always a terrible feeling when it's over. Today is the first really cold day, so this is enough for me to bring back the memory of the warm days. Especially this one: we had a wonderful afternoon on the beach and I almost forgot how wonderful time we had and how good pictures were taken there of my family and the Space Pirates . I do not know why we've chosen this game, it has nothing to do with water, but it seems obvious by now. I almost forgot how cool this game is. Lehet bármilyen hosszú a nyár, mindig rémes érzés, amikor vége lesz. Ma van először igazán hideg, ez pont elég ahhoz, hogy visszacsalogassa a meleg napok emlékét. Főleg ez az egy volt különleges: egy csodás délutánt töltöttünk a parton és el is felejtettem, hogy milyen jó képek készültek az Űrkalózokról . Nem tudom, miért ezt a játékot választottuk, semmi köze a vízhez, de most olyan természetesnek tűnik, hogy ott van. Majdnem el is felejtettem, milyen klassz...